Wednesday, January 7, 2009

OllyDbg 2.0 Beta

OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable

  • Intuitive user interface, no cryptical commands
  • Code analysis - traces registers, recognizes procedures, loops, API calls, switches, tables, constants and strings
  • Directly loads and debugs DLLs
  • Object file scanning - locates routines from object files and libraries
  • Allows for user-defined labels, comments and function descriptions
  • Understands debugging information in Borland® format
  • Saves patches between sessions, writes them back to executable file and updates fixups
  • Open architecture - many third-party plugins are available
  • No installation - no trash in registry or system directories
  • Debugs multithread applications
  • Attaches to running programs
  • Configurable disassembler, supports both MASM and IDEAL formats
  • MMX, 3DNow! and SSE data types and instructions, including Athlon extensions
  • Full UNICODE support
  • Dynamically recognizes ASCII and UNICODE strings - also in Delphi format!
  • Recognizes complex code constructs, like call to jump to procedure
  • Decodes calls to more than 1900 standard API and 400 C functions
  • Gives context-sensitive help on API functions from external help file
  • Sets conditional, logging, memory and hardware breakpoints
  • Traces program execution, logs arguments of known functions
  • Shows fixups
  • Dynamically traces stack frames
  • Searches for imprecise commands and masked binary sequences
  • Searches whole allocated memory
  • Finds references to constant or address range
  • Examines and modifies memory, sets breakpoints and pauses program on-the-fly
  • Assembles commands into the shortest binary form
  • Starts from the floppy disk
and much, much more!

Program ini biasanya digunakan buat hacking exe program, biasanya di gunakan untuk merubah addres data yang dibaca oleh program tersebut.
Program ini juga bisa digunakan buat edit-edit hackshield game supaya cheat" game yang udah kena patch bisa dipake lagi and ga kedetect. contohnya game audition and salah satu contoh hackshield yg udah dirubah bisa dilihat pada hackshield di dalam Pheonix perfect hack

Download link
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IceSword 1.22

IceSword has a Windows Explorer-like interface but displays hidden processes and resources that Windows Explorer would never show. It isn't a "click-here-to-delete-rootkits" product but a sophisticated discovery tool that can protect against sinister rootkits if used before they infect a machine.
simpelnya ini sofware bisa sebagai pengganti taskmanager, registry editor, etc
tapi yang pasti gw biasanya pake ini sofware buat kill proces bill di net kalau paket udah mau abis trs ada data yg blm gw save ke fd biasanya gw pake ini tool's buat kill proces bill supaya ga ke tutup desktopnya sama tampilan bill client. sama biasanya gw buat kill proces winlock di net

Download Link
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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Audition Agent 3.0 SoLoving

Untuk dapat menggunakan Auditon Agent kalian harus login terlebih dahulu
untuk mendapatkan id dan passwordnya kalian bisa request langsung ke admin forum nya dengan cara pm adminya
untuk mendaftar forum silahkan klik disini
Download Here 
Password : Cooming Soon
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Saturday, January 3, 2009